-Neuchâtel festivals and popular celebrations
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Music, stands and a festive atmosphere... discover Neuchâtel, its traditions and its people.
Festivity, Festival, Fleurier
Neuchâtel region

Alps View Festival
Festivity, Festival, La Vue-des-Alpes
Neuchâtel region

New Wine Festival
Festivity, Festival, Cressier (NE)
Neuchâtel region

Corn'Rock Festival
Festivity, Festival, Cornaux
Neuchâtel region

The May festival
Festivity, Festival, La Chaux-de-Fonds
Neuchâtel region
Corbak Festival
Festivity, Festival, La Chaux-du-Milieu
Neuchâtel region

Festivity, Festival, Neuchâtel
Neuchâtel region

Absinthe Festival
Festivity, Festival, Môtiers
Neuchâtel region

L'Abbaye of Fleurier
Festivity, Festival, Fleurier
Neuchâtel region

Neuchâtel Fantastic Film Festival
Festivity, Festival, Neuchâtel
Neuchâtel region