About tourisme neuchatelois
Neuchâtel Tourism, the cantonal tourism office, is tasked with the operational development of tourism in the canton of Neuchâtel. In accomplishing this mission, it draws inspiration from its three fundamental objectives: to welcome visitors, to develop the offering, and to ensure that guests are comfortable. The association is also tasked with:
a) defending the tourism-related interests of its members;
b) supporting the organisation of events related to tourism;
c) advising the cantonal and municipal authorities on tourism-related issues;
d) representing the canton's tourism-related interests to the outside world.
For more information, please consult our Annual Report (available in French only).
The staff at Neuchâtel Tourism
a) defending the tourism-related interests of its members;
b) supporting the organisation of events related to tourism;
c) advising the cantonal and municipal authorities on tourism-related issues;
d) representing the canton's tourism-related interests to the outside world.
For more information, please consult our Annual Report (available in French only).
The staff at Neuchâtel Tourism

Val-de-Ruz ©Vincent Bourrut