-Neuchâtel's popular festivals
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Popular festivities... the summer in Neuchâtel promises to be festive!
Festivity, Festival, Fleurier
Neuchâtel region

New Wine Festival
Festivity, Festival, Cressier (NE)
Neuchâtel region

The May festival
Festivity, Festival, La Chaux-de-Fonds
Neuchâtel region
Absinthe Festival
Festivity, Festival, Môtiers
Neuchâtel region

L'Abbaye of Fleurier
Festivity, Festival, Fleurier
Neuchâtel region

Music Festival Promo
Festivity, Festival, Le Locle
Neuchâtel region
Festival of the earth
Festivity, Festival, Cernier, Evologia
Neuchâtel region

Village festival
Festivity, Festival, Colombier (NE)
Neuchâtel region

Jumble sale and Horlofolies
Festivity, Festival, La Chaux-de-Fonds
Neuchâtel region

Medieval Salt Festival
Festivity, Festival, Buttes
Neuchâtel region