Locally, a "tour de Sagnard" is a walk that doesn't take the shortest route!
A 'Sagnard tour' is the Neuchâtel phrase for a trip that seems as long as a day of fasting. Not true in this case! As well as scenic beauty, this route features plenty of restaurants along the way. A 50-km tour that will leave you with indelible memories.
Good to know
Good to know
- To ensure the maintenance of the runs, please obtain "cross-country skiing" pass
- City start
- Tête de Ran
City end- Tête de Ran
Links & PDFs
Links & PDFs
- Main contact
- Tourisme neuchâtelois Vue des Alpes Route de la Vue des Alpes 4 2052 La Vue des Alpes +41 32 889 68 86 info.vda@ne.ch neuchateltourisme.ch