Sports & Leisure

Solar energy boat trips « Sol-à-Flots »

YlBR - Bateaux solaires - Sol-à-Flots
YlBR - Bateaux solaires - Sol-à-Flots. © Sol-à-Flots
  • Place
    • Yverdon-les-Bains


Starting from Yverdon-les-Bains or Grandson, two solar-powered boats with a capacity of up to 12 persons each, allow environmental and renewable energy enthusiasts to discover the unspoilt and hidden secrets of Lake Neuchâtel. A relaxed, instructive and ecological experience.

Sol-à-Flots offers educational outings on board a boat equipped with photovoltaic panels, taking visitors at an average speed of 7 to 8 km/h with no engine noise to discover the lake landscape and explore the aquatic ecosystem. In order to introduce visitors to the charms of this region, an aperitif with local produce can be served and enjoyed on board.

Opening hours
Opening hours
  • From 1 Apr 2024 to 30 Sep 2024
Good to know
Good to know

On reservation only.

Solar energy boat trips « Sol-à-Flots »
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