Tavannes‘ architecture of the late 19th/beginning of the 20th century was strongly affected by the "Heimatstil" as well as the Art Nouveau style promoted by the art college of La Chaux de Fonds.
A town marked by the watchmaking industry
The traveler who passes through Tavannes has no idea of the rich industrial and urban heritage that this small town conceals. Its nickname, La Surprenante, was not given by chance. The visitor who walks along the village discovers a very interesting architectural, industrial and urban heritage. If the heritage of Tavannes is so rich, it is because the industrial boom, linked practically to a single company, the Tavannes Watch Co, led to a strong increase in the population and resulted in a considerable development in construction.
A Roman history
To the south of the village, the Pierre-Pertuis pass marks the region by its Roman history. While walking along the pass, the hiker follows the Roman road, built during the period of Emperor Marcus Aurelius, and sees the famous pierced stone of Pierre-Pertuis on his way. The path is embellished with four didactic panels that inform the hiker about the source of the Birs, the literature and history, the geology and the Roman road. Not far away is also the source of the Birs, which can be visited on request to the public utility services.
Starting point for many excursions
Surrounded by the Montoz and the Tanne plateau, the starting point of the Pierre-Pertuis pass, Tavannes is the ideal base for many excursions in the region. The Montoz is also a playground for mountain bikers looking for new challenges, with its steep slopes and flat summit.
- The brochure "On foot" describes a walking tour of about 1 hour to discover this small town
- It is available from the tourism offices
- Possibility of guided tours
- Bus line : N21 Saignelégier - Tramelan
- 41 Les Genevez - Tavannes
- Main contact
- Grand Chasseral Tourisme Rue Pierre-Pertuis 1 2605 Sonceboz-Sombeval +41 32 494 53 43 info@jurabernois.ch www.jurabernois.ch