Where and when can daffodils be admired in the Jura & Three-Lakes region? Here are some tips for discovering these beautiful yellow flowers that herald spring.


Neuchâtel REGION

The heights of La Vue des Alpes and Tête de Ran are among the most beautiful places to admire daffodils.



The region of Mont-Crosin and Mont-Soleil, as well as Les Prés-d'Orvin are covered with a magnificent yellow blanket at the end of winter.


Biel Seeland

Daffodils also grow on the Twannberg mountain!



On the meadows of Haute-Ajoie, yellow daffodils bloom by the thousands from the second half of March.   


The daffodil bloom attracts many visitors to our destination each year and we are delighted about it! To ensure that everyone can enjoy this beautiful experience in the future, here are some rules to follow in order to protect the local flora and fauna.


Flowers are more beautiful (and useful!) in their natural environment than in a vase, so we recommend not to pick them. However, it is permitted to pick one bunch of daffodils that fits in one hand per person. Digging up the bulbs and roots is not permitted.


We recommend that you park in the official parking spaces.


Please stay on the marked footpaths to avoid trampling the rare flora and disturbing the birds nesting on the ground.


We would be very grateful if you would not leave any rubbish in nature.

Daffodil field in Les Prés-d'Orvin ©Stefan Boegli
Daffodil field in Tête de Ran
Daffodil field ©Tourisme neuchâtelois
Some ideas for activities during the Easter holidays...
From CHF 7.- Sport & Leisure, Buttes

No sledge without snow? In La Robella you can go sledging even in Summer thanks to the railway sledge Féeline!

From CHF 10.- Urban visits, Neuchâtel

Book your tickets for an exciting family scavenger hunt! Grab the kids by the hand and follow the clues around the old town of Neuchâtel.

From CHF 15.- Sport & Leisure, Bienne

Visit Biel the different way - with a game of urban golf!

From CHF 40.- Sport & Leisure, Saignelégier

Discover the Franches-Montagnes district by taking a horse ride suitable for all abilities.

From CHF 9.- Sport & Leisure, Les Brenets

An amazing setting and a fantastic drop from a height of 27 metres.

From CHF 37.- Sport & Leisure, Porrentruy

Discover the Ajoie by scooter!

From CHF 120.- Sport & Leisure, Saint-Ursanne

When the door is opened, a timer is triggered and the investigators find themselves trapped in the apartment with a bomb that must be defused within 60 minutes.

From CHF 21.- Culture & Museums, Travers

Journey to the center of the earth and discover the fascinating history of the Val-de-Travers asphalt mines during a guided tour.

From CHF 9.- Urban visits, Delémont

See the Jurassian capital Delémont from a different angle on the Circuit Secret.

From CHF 28.- Transportation, Bienne

With the Lake Biel Navigation (BSG) day pass, you can take unlimited trips on the Aare and Three Lakes for a whole day.