Easy route to reach the Bise de Cortébert from Mont-Crosin
In a quiet nature, between fir trees and wooded pastures, this trail leads from the Mont-Crosin pass to the Bise de Cortébert, where a break for a coffee or a tea will be well-earned after crossing these snowy landscapes. Close to the wind turbines of Mont-Crosin, this trail is ideal for those who want to learn cross-country skiing. This 5 kilometer long, rather flat trail allows you to discover what skating and classic styles are.
Good to know
Good to know
- Ask for the Mt-Soleil - Mt-Crosin - Franches-Montagnes wintersport region brochure at Jura bernois Tourisme, St-Imier.
- So we can keep the trails perfectly groomed, please get a "ski de fond" pass. Tickets to access the cross-country skiing pistes are available from Jura bernois Tourisme, St-Imier.
- Other loop see PDF ''Les Bises 2''
- City start
- Mont-Crosin
City end- La Bise de Cortébert
Links & PDFs
Links & PDFs
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- Main contact
- Grand Chasseral Tourisme Rue Pierre-Pertuis 1 2605 Sonceboz-Sombeval +41 32 494 53 43 info@jurabernois.ch www.jurabernois.ch