Cross-country ski trail between fir trees and wooded pastures of Mont-Crosin.
This lovely 2 kilometer loop on the heights of Mont-Crosin allows you to take on the open spaces, between fir trees weighed down by snow and immaculate ground. Between fir trees and wooded pastures, the winter atmosphere of Mont-Crosin is special. We find ourselves in the middle of nature to fully enjoy this flat and easy itinerary. From this path, you can see the wind turbines in the distance between the fir trees, which run along the ridge in the direction of Mont-Soleil.
Good to know
Good to know
- Ask for the Mt-Soleil - Mt-Crosin - Franches-Montagnes wintersport region brochure at Jura bernois Tourisme, St-Imier.
- So we can keep the trails perfectly groomed, please get a "ski de fond" pass. Tickets to access the cross-country skiing pistes are available from Jura bernois Tourisme, St-Imier.
- 2nd loop La Bruyère see PDF ''La Bruyère 2''
- City start
- Mont-Crosin
City end- Mont-Crosin
Links & PDFs
Links & PDFs
- Main contact
- Grand Chasseral Tourisme Rue Pierre-Pertuis 1 2605 Sonceboz-Sombeval +41 32 494 53 43