Theaters & cinemas

The Théâtre du Jura

Théâtre du Jura
Théâtre du Jura
  • Place
    • Delémont


The Théâtre du Jura, which has been awaited in the region for over 40 years, will open its doors in autumn 2021. On the programme : Theatre, dance, classical and contemporary music, circus as well as many other events, the establishment caters to all audiences.

The Théâtre du Jura has three halls, three foyers, cloakrooms of different sizes, two bars, a work area and meeting rooms: the Great Hall seats 435 people and, thanks to retractable seating, can accommodate 850 people for standing concerts of contemporary music. It also has an orchestra pit, so that you can enjoy classical music as well. The Cadette is a multi-purpose hall: in addition to performances, it is available for aperitifs, receptions, conferences and meetings. It can accommodate about a hundred spectators. The Germain is a rehearsal and creative space for artists.

Theatre, dance, classical and contemporary music and even circus are represented in the theatre. It is the promise of bringing all the performing arts together and offering them a space for creation and performance.

The Théâtre du Jura offers the possibility of staging major performances and hosting well-known personalities but it also enables the creation of new plays through 2 to 4 co-productions a year with independent ensembles closely linked to the Jura. For example, the Jura company Extrapol. These are aimed at adults as well as children. Special shows for children are planned with attractive rates for the whole family.

But the Théâtre du Jura is also a place for authors, dancers and actors who come here all year round to create, rehearse and organise ensembles, to pool their energies and experience, to breathe life into the place every day and to offer the public a variety of activities.

Good to know
Good to know
    • A rich programme for all tastes.
    • Special offers for families, young people and children.
    • Full programme on the website.
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The Théâtre du Jura
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