An electric rail car with a control car dating from 1953 takes the visitors on a trip to discover the culture, watchmaking tradition, and gastronomy of the Jura until the fall.
The train is called «Train des horlogers» and crosses the Franches-Montagnes from La Chaux-de-Fonds to Tavannes. The route follows the trails of the history of the watchmaking industry and its numerous employees who took the train to go to work every day.
Good to know
Good to know
- Information, prices and reservation at Chemins de fer du Jura.
On site
On site
- Accessibility
- Booking required
- Accessible by public transport
- Services
- Suitable for groups
- Public transport
- Directions
Links & PDFs
Links & PDFs
- Links
- Gare de Saignelégier Service Marketing
Rue de la Gare 11 2350 Saignelégier +41 32 952 42 90
Train des Horlogers