Event − Tradition, Market, Craft


From to

A funfair where all Payerne from the outside and from here meet together in Friendship and Brotherhood.

Drawing Payerne
Drawing Payerne. © Sabrina Salzano
  • Place
    • Payerne

The traditional shooting competition takes place over four days with a programme of shots and fairground attractions. As every year, more than 500 shooters from Payerne and elsewhere compete on Saturdays against each other on the manual targets of the Vernex Stand.

Opening hours
Opening hours
  • From 16 Aug 2025 to 18 Aug 2025
  • From 15 Aug 2026 to 17 Aug 2026
Good to know
Good to know
    • Free event
    • Carousel:
    • On the Shooters' Square
    • Free on Monday after the children's procession
    • Restauration :
    • Snacks along Avenue de la Promenade and Avenue du Stade
    • Bar and cellar in the Casino Stand
    • Access :
    • By public transport:
    • Trains from Estavayer-le-Lac, Fribourg, Murten, Lausanne (10 minutes walk from the train station)
    • By car:
    • Parking at the Place Général-Guisan (5 minutes by foot): free 1h30 then CHF 1.50.-/hour
    • Parking on the Place de la Concorde (10 minutes by foot): free 1h30 then CHF 1.50.-/hour
    • Parking Guillermaux (10 minutes by foot): free 1h30 then CHF 1.50.-/hour
Links & PDFs
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Festivity, Festival | For a weekend, the medieval town of Estavayer-le-Lac becomes the largest open-air playground! An entire weekend devoted to fun and discovery awaits players from 3 to 13 years old.